
  • Things That Are Considered Garage Door Emergencies

    There are some home repairs that you might be able to put off for a little while until it's more convenient for you to have them taken care of. Then, there are those other repairs that you don't want to put off. As a homeowner, you need to know the difference when it comes to repairing issues that can and cannot be put off. The information you'll read below is about garage door issues so you can tell what constitutes a problem that needs to be taken care of right away.
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  • How To Get Garage Door Repair Work When You Need It

    You can make your home magnificent when you focus on all of the little details. Repairing a garage door is a detail that adds up in a large way when you stay consistent with it. If you're a homeowner with either a single or double garage door, the door is likely the largest and most noticeable structure on the front of your house. Failing to repair it when you need to will spell bigger trouble than you want.
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  • Dealing With Garage Door Hardware Damage? What To Repair And When To Replace

    If your garage made a snap or crunching noise and you've noticed some metal fragments or damaged parts on the opening system, you'll want to call a garage door professional do to some replacement or repair work. There are a few things that are worth repairing, and others that aren't worth the money. Here are a couple things you want to consider repairing so that you can restore the system to its regular use.
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  • Beneficial Features To Enjoy When Upgrading Your Garage Door Opener With A Newer Model

    If your garage door opener is making loud sounds as it opens and closes, if it only works sporadically, or if it simply stops working altogether, you will most likely either have it repaired or consider purchasing a newer model. When buying a replacement garage door opener, there are several features one may want to consider. Here are some of the benefits these features provide, giving you the ultimate convenience when utilizing this useful tool.
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  • Two Garage Door Maintenance Tips

    A garage door can be one of the largest mechanical devices that you own, and while these doors are usually highly reliable and durable, there are some common issues that they can experience. In particular, it is common for garage doors to start making loud noises when they are in operation. If your garage door has recently started to encounter this problem, you should make sure to use these two tips to help diagnose the problem.
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  • Three Things You Should Consider Before Installing An Automatic Gate

    Automatic gates offer security and convenience, so it's only natural to want one around your home. However, before you install an automatic gate, there are several factors you should consider. Thinking about these factors will help you to pick the right automatic gate for your family. How Much Power You'll Need When shopping for an automatic gate you choose the gates you want and then select a motor to power them.
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  • Tips For Protecting A Garage Door From Hockey Pucks

    If you are a homeowner whose child plays hockey, chances are good that you are either going to need to figure out a really good way to protect your garage door from impromptu street hockey games, or you're going to have to resign yourself to replacing your garage door every few years. The latter option can become very expensive. As a result, you probably want to protect your garage door as well as possible.
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  • Why Won't Your Garage Door Open?

    You're sitting in your driveway in your car full of groceries, and your garage door won't open. The problem could range from your remote control batteries being dead to the garage door opener motor being burned out. Here is how to do some simple troubleshooting to discover why the door isn't working. Checking the Remote If you have another remote control, try that one. If it works, replace the batteries in your original remote and try it again.
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  • 3 Reasons To Upgrade Your Garage Door Even If It Isn't Broken

    While the saying "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" may apply to many things in life, it doesn't apply to old garage doors. If you haven't updated your garage door in many years and have routinely had repairs done when needed instead of replacing it, then realize that there does come a time when replacement is not just a good investment, but essential for the safety of your family. Here are three signs that you need to replace that old garage door, even if it isn't broken at the moment.
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  • Tips For Insulating Your Garage Door And Preventing Drafts

    With most garages, energy efficiency and insulation can be an afterthought. As a result, you may find yourself looking for ways to keep the temperature inside your garage more consistent and comfortable. With the garage door being such a large part of the structure, it makes sense to start there. After all, it isn't going to be of much benefit to have a climate control system installed if the air is going to seep out around the edges of the garage door.
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